The Value of Great Service

The Value of Great Service

Why Is Property Management Important?

As the saying goes, "it takes years to build but just moments to ruin." This statement highlights the importance of having and maintaining excellent service.

Since the value of good service is the term you will come across when you want to promote or purchase a product, this article will explain what good service is and how it brings value.

Service is the way your business attends to its' customers and how it indirectly reflects the value of your business.

When something has value it is important, worthy, or useful. A customer is happier with a product that adds value to their life.

Cost is simply what you pay; value is what you get.

Low cost does not make you the preferred product choice. Research shows that over 60% of people will choose value over cost.

The focus of businesses has shifted from strictly having a solid product to having good service and reflecting the values of your business through that service. Hiring the right people with job-related skills and professionalism to help customers should be a top focus of any business that wants to offer great value.

Value Helps You Retain Your Customers

Customer retention is less expensive than customer acquisition because it is difficult for people to trust new companies or services easily. Once someone trusts you and what you offer, you must keep your service and product excellent. You do not want what makes you the preferred choice to dissipate, which can result in a loss of value and market share.

Good Service Results in Referrals

When you offer value and your customers are happy, they are more likely to tell people about their experience. Think about a time you had a remarkable customer service experience with a company. If that experience was remarkable, you probably discussed it with friends, co-workers, or family.

Good Service Brings More Happy Customers

Referrals simply mean you have more happy customers that are also willing to pass your brand message across to their friends, partners, business partners, and relatives.

To offer excellent service, it is important to be happy and content with what you do. You can only get quality service from someone who is happy and enjoys what they are doing. A happy person makes your customers feel respected and appreciated. This will help them find an intrinsic motivation to come back to you.

In conclusion, nothing beats getting value for what you pay for. There is an old adage that says, "Time, price, and quality… Pick 2!" Regardless of the two you pick, value is what you want.

As a property management company that always wants to add value, one of our goals at Centurion is to continue pushing our limits in what we can offer our clients and customers. It is a tough job as it is never-ending, but when we get to manage such wonderful clients, it makes the job feel easier and certainly more rewarding. With all sincerity – from all of our staff – thank you for your business and the opportunity to serve you. We hope you see the value Centurion brings.
