"Do What You Can, With What You Got, Where You Are"

"Do What You Can, With What You Got, Where You Are"

- Our Maintenance Team Motto

Have you ever had to pull off what seemed like an impossible task? Where time is against you and your resources are tight? These situations stretch your skills and creativity, forcing you to combine all your years of experience and your determination to get the job done.

To be able to do this is the hallmark of a master. It is one thing to get things done with an abundance of resources and time. It is quite another to do it under pressure. This is what makes the maintenance department in any property management company so special.

What You Need to Do It Right

Running a maintenance crew for a property management company, particularly one that prides itself on its reputation for excellence in all aspects of its operations, is no easy task. You essentially need the patience of a saint, the skills of a grandmaster, the determination of a god and the thriftiness of your grandfathers’ grandfather.

This is why our maintenance team motto is “Do what you can, with what you got, where you are.” It encapsulates the spirit with which these dedicated men and women go about their work, making the best of every situation.

They know that they play a critical role in the value of the properties the maintain. They are the team that makes sure the properties shine and sparkle for new tenants. Making sure that current tenants are getting the most value out of their rental units is also their domain. Most importantly, they are the frontline crew that manages and maintains the investments of our clients, ensuring continued value for years to come.

Consider this list of what a maintenance team routinely takes care of.

  • Lighting issues (replacing bulbs)

  • Plumbing problems

  • Ceiling repairs and roof repairs

  • Replacing doors or dealing with any entrance problems

  • Trash removal

  • Night porter

  • Painting

  • Keeping shared / common areas tidy

  • Broken locks or lost keys

  • Flooding or blockages

  • Fence or boundary repairs

  • Pest control

  • Drywall repair

  • Ground keeping in outdoor spaces

  • Electrical issues such as short-circuiting, climate control, power switches, and plug sockets

These are the types of recurring tasks that are expected. It’s the unexpected that really tests the team’s ability to make things happen. Everything from the routine calls that you can expect to the most bizarre and unfamiliar tasks, the maintenance team is ready to take it on. Even with an excellent crew, some factors can make what seems like a routine job extra challenging. 

Emergency Repairs

Late at night, outside in the cold or right in the middle of a holiday dinner, disasters and emergencies don’t care about your plans. Emergencies tend to put people on edge so not only do the repairs need to be made, special considerations for the tenants might be in order.

Authorized Repair Limits

There is never a blank check. Never. Being thrifty while producing high-quality work is a significant skill set to have.

Resource Shortages

There isn’t always the option to get exactly what you want to get the job done. That means being resourceful, all day, every day.

Labor Shortages

You have heard the saying, “It’s hard to find good help!”. That is never truer than on a maintenance crew. You always seem to be one person short of a fully stacked team.

Managing Priorities in Real-Time

Managing your resources and time is all fine and dandy when the phone doesn’t ring to divert your attention somewhere else. But does the phone ever stop ringing? Managing your priorities in real-time is a test of any maintenance teams’ abilities.

Record Keeping and Retrieval

Maintaining your records isn’t what it used to be. An old shoe box with pink slips may have been cut years ago but not today. The expectations are high so the maintenance teams’ standards have to be even higher.

Safety Concerns

Not all calls are created equal and occasionally, safety becomes a major concern. Whether working from heights or in a crowded environment, the maintenance team needs to be ready for anything.


Communication is the lifeblood of any organization. This is true for the maintenance department as well. Who is where, doing what and where they are going next are all important and need to be communicated clearly and often.

In the end, the maintenance team is extending the lifespan of the assets that the property management company is handling. They play one of the most vital roles in the proper management of any property. And they will get it done. 

Centurion Property Management is there for you. Making sure your investment is properly protected and nurtured, they make managing your property easy and simple. Reach out today to see how they can help you maximize the potential of your home.
