Online Reviews

Online Reviews

Online Reviews in Real Estate Management

Data from the National Association of Realtors shows that over 93% of consumers check online reviews before contacting a real estate company. More than 87% of buyers contact real estate agents before buying a new home.

Online reputation management is one of the most critical aspects of real estate management because it is where companies get feedback, telling people if they can rely on that company. People believe that they will get a fair and comprehensive view of a company by the reviews the company has.

Why Property Management Reviews Are Important

  • Reviews serve as a referral for agents. Negative reviews can discourage a customer from working with a real estate company.

  • The more reviews a company has, the more that company will stand out.

  • Online reviews help tell people that a company works with real people.

  • Reviews can help bring in the best tenants and clients.

Buyers and renters choose to depend on real estate agencies and property management companies because they believe they are trustworthy and more professional with their work, which is also why they want to pick agents with good customer reviews. To stay in the real estate business for long, there is a need to maintain a favorable reputation online.

It is important to remember that even an excellent company will have some bad reviews. Some tenants will write bad reviews no matter what. Even if an issue has been resolved, it was not brought to the company's attention, or there was nothing they could do about the situation, they will still write a bad review.

We want to let our owners know that we are working hard for them and we are not operating outside the real estate laws. It is important to add that, as a property management company, we are not afraid of taking the heat when bad reviews come in. We take the time to read and consider every review we receive, good and bad, so that we can set the record straight when appropriate and get the critical feedback we need to improve and grow as a company.

If you feel we have earned it, please help us by leaving a 5-star review.
