What Is Your Biggest Asset With Your Rental Property?

What Is Your Biggest Asset With Your Rental Property?

The Greatest Rental Property Asset

What if you had a great rental property but no tenants? Is it still a significant capital asset? This was a fascinating question posed in a trade article for landlords. What is your biggest asset in regard to your rental property? For many landlords or property owners, their answer to this question would be the physical building.

However, how valuable would the property be without tenants? If a rental property is vacant, then it is what they call in the industry, "an alligator" or a.k.a a "money pit"! It is essential to view residents as the real capital asset.

At Centurion Real Estate Management, our property management team works hard every day to show our tenants that we care about them and that we are here to serve them. Having a tenant appreciation program in place and focusing on the tenants helps us achieve the highest return for our owners.
