Mastering the Art of Tenant Retention When There Is a Rent Increase

Mastering the Art of Tenant Retention When There Is a Rent Increase

Mastering the Art of Tenant Retention When There Is a Rent Increase

Ensuring tenant satisfaction while maintaining profitability can be a juggling act. In this blog, we'll explore how effective communication and thoughtful incentives can be crucial in keeping your tenants happy and loyal, even when rents rise. The journey towards mastering tenant retention in the face of rent increases is an essential skill for any property management company. Stay tuned as we share insights and strategies to help you succeed in this endeavor.

Understanding Rent Increase Laws and Regulations

As a property owner, ensuring your investment is profitable is a key concern. However, when it comes to raising rent, some specific laws and guidelines must be followed to ensure you are in compliance with rental laws. At Centurion Real Estate Management, LLC, we are well-versed in these laws, and we're here to guide you through the process.

  • Rental Laws and Rent Increases: According to state law, landlords must provide at least 90 days written notice before increasing rent in a month-to-month tenancy. It's important to note that there are restrictions on how much rent can be increased within a year. As of 2023, the maximum allowable rent increase is 14.6%.

  • The Impact of Rent Control: Oregon was the first state in the U.S. to pass statewide rent control in 2019. Under this law, landlords cannot raise rent by more than 7% plus the annual change in the consumer price index. This means keeping abreast of these changes is paramount to maintaining a profitable yet legal rental operation.

Our property management services include setting competitive and legal rents for your properties and handling all rent increases, including providing appropriate notice to tenants. Remember, increasing rent is a delicate process that requires a firm understanding of local and state laws as well as a sense of fairness to your tenants. With property management by your side, you can navigate these waters confidently and effectively.

Strategies for Effective Communication

Rent increases are often necessary due to rising property taxes, maintenance costs, or adjustments to match current market rates. However, we also understand that for tenants, a rent increase can be a source of financial stress. Our approach is designed to minimize this stress and maintain a healthy and transparent landlord-tenant relationship.

  • Advance Notice: We ensure tenants receive notice of a rent increase well in advance. This gives them adequate time to adjust their budgets or make other living arrangements. In accordance with Oregon law, we provide at least 90 days' notice for any rent increase.

  • Clear Explanation: When communicating a rent increase, we clearly explain the change. We believe it's important for tenants to understand that rent increases are not arbitrary but instead tied to specific factors like property taxes, maintenance costs, or market rates.

  • Open Line of Communication: We maintain an open line of communication with our tenants. If a tenant has questions or concerns about a rent increase, we encourage them to contact us. We're here to help and to listen, and we work hard to address any concerns promptly and professionally.

  • Assistance in Budgeting: If a tenant is concerned about their ability to afford an increased rent, we can offer suggestions and resources for budgeting. We want our tenants to feel secure in their homes, and are here to assist in any way we can.

Our goal at Centurion Real Estate Management, LLC is to ensure that both our property owners and tenants feel heard, valued, and respected. When it comes to rent increases, this means clear communication, advance notice, and ongoing support for our tenants.

Incentives to Enhance Tenant Satisfaction

As a property management firm, Centurion Real Estate Management, LLC understands that rent increases are a necessary part of maintaining the viability of a property. However, we also know this can be a delicate situation for tenants. We've developed strategies to enhance tenant satisfaction during these periods.

  • Adding Value: A key strategy is to ensure that rent increases are accompanied by noticeable improvements to the property. This could be anything from investing in energy-efficient appliances, upgrading appliances, adding new amenities, or enhancing common areas. By seeing their rent money visibly improve their living environment, tenants can feel reassured that the extra cost is worthwhile.

  • Flexible Payment Options: We understand that a sudden rent increase can strain a tenant's budget. That's why we offer flexible payment options to accommodate individual's financial situations. This can include breaking up monthly payments or adjusting the due date to align with a tenant's payday.

  • Offering Lease Renewals With Fixed Rent Increases: Another incentive that can be highly effective is offering lease renewals with fixed rent increases or incentives for long-term tenants. For instance, you might offer a two-year lease with a fixed rent increase for the second year. This provides tenants with financial stability and predictability. Alternatively, you could provide discounts or rewards for those who renew their leases, further encouraging them to stay.


Centurion Real Estate Management, LLC, is committed to ensuring our tenant's satisfaction, even during rent increases. We understand that rent changes can be challenging, and we endeavor to communicate these changes clearly and compassionately. Our goal is to provide exceptional service and support to our tenants through open dialogue and prompt responses to concerns. We believe in creating a win-win situation for everyone involved, maintaining the quality of our properties while keeping our tenants happy. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have! Your satisfaction is our priority at Centurion Real Estate Management, LLC.
